Creating Self Updating PHP Class

Problem statement – I need to create a PHP class (MyClass.php) that can check for the updated version from remote server and once we click on check for update function call, Class should update itself (definition) from updated remote code and reinitialize itself.

We need to have following prerequisites to do this, Below is proof of concept of this.

  1. Server there script/class check for new version and updated code
  2. version.txt file in server should have 1.1 or version higher than 1.0 mentioned in class
  3. MyClass.txt file in server should have the same version that’s defined in version.txt file in server.



class MyClass
    private $version;

    public function __construct()
        $this->version = 1.0;

    public function checkForUpdates()
        // Get the latest version number from a remote file
        $latestVersion = file_get_contents('');

        // Compare the latest version to the current version
        if ($latestVersion > $this->version) {
            // Update the class code

    private function update()
        // Get the updated code from a remote file
        $updatedCode = file_get_contents('');

        // Overwrite the current class code with the updated code
        file_put_contents(__FILE__, $updatedCode);

        // Refresh the class definition
        require_once __FILE__;

$obj = new MyClass();





class MyClass
    private $version;
    private $author;

    public function __construct()
        $this->version = 1.1;
        $this->author = "Kapil";

    public function checkForUpdates()
        // Get the latest version number from a remote file
        $latestVersion = file_get_contents('');

        // Compare the latest version to the current version
        if ($latestVersion > $this->version) {
            // Update the class code

    private function update()
        // Get the updated code from a remote file
        $updatedCode = file_get_contents('');

        // Overwrite the current class code with the updated code
        file_put_contents(__FILE__, $updatedCode);

        // Refresh the class definition
        require_once __FILE__;

$obj = new MyClass();

About Author

Hello, my name is Kapil Yadav. I am a Full stack web developer. I create websites, fix security issues in websites, and create online courses with super easy content so that it flows perfectly with my audience. Lots of love and hundreds of hours went into making it. I hope you love it as much as I do.

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